Sniffen Packets

With a name like Sniffen, it's got to smell good.

Death Notices

This is certainly a step up from the "We regret to inform you…" telegrams:

A manager at a Pennsylvania design studio, she’d been in her office on Nov. 4 last year when three uniformed soldiers came to inform her that her son had been killed on a combat mission in Iraq’s Anbar province. A few weeks after Jeffrey’s Nov. 14 burial at Arlington, a team of Special Forces soldiers arrived at her home and presented an hourlong PowerPoint presentation on the details.

I wonder if this is semi-standard, or whether these were just friends of his doing something for his family. I can’t imagine it’s possible to always say everything. In some cases it must not be possible to say much of anything.

Some part of me is horrified that PowerPoint should show up at that time and in that cause—but I suppose it gets the job done.