I’ve just given up root
on the one remote machine I still maintained on the Internet. It’s a somewhat sad feeling. But I’ve been paying $7N to Layered Tech every month for a rented machine, and I’m now going to pay only $N to DreamHost every month for about the same effective level of service.
A week after the transition, everything seems to be working pretty well. They’re running a less-effective mail filter than I did: I was catching 99.99% of spam with a false positive rate below my threshold of measurement. They’re catching 99% of spam with a 1% false positive rate. I may be able to build better tools for mail handling within the framework they provide.
Oh, but the URL for the feeds for this blog has changed. https://www.evenmere.org/blog/?feed=atom is the best feed URL. http://evenmere.org/blog/?feed=rss2 will also work. This will be the last post to the old feed.