Sniffen Packets

With a name like Sniffen, it's got to smell good.

Baiting Hollow Scout Camp graces

When I was a boy, I attended Baiting Hollow Scout Camp with Troop 301 of Saint James, New York. On the outer wall of the dining hall were three knotwork boards, each with a grace to be sung for one meal. I’ve never found them in any hymnal or book. Here they are, as best as I can reconstruct:

I found a sketch of these from Kenneth Spiegel, Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 80, Farmingville, NY, but with the repeats missing and some of the timing—well, it doesn’t agree with my memory’s ear. You can also have this in PNG, PDF, MIDI, or Lilypond if you’d like to edit it or use it in something else.

Update 2017-01-22: Kat heard me whistling this and told me it’s For the Beauty of the Earth. Apparently that uses an old tune from an Epiphany hymn, As With Gladness Men of Old.